Risk Management Platform Ideas

FROI - New Nature of Injury Codes for MN and NE

The Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Court (NWCC) will be ready to accept the new codes ( A new Cause of Injury Code (DN0037) — 83 for “Pandemic” and a new Nature of Injury Code (DN0035) — 83 for “COVID-19) effective April 1, 2020, in accordance with Neb.Rev.Stat � 48-144 and Workers’ Comp. Ct. R. of Proc. 29 and 30. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) requirement tables updated with the new codes constitute the form and manner and include the content prescribed and approved by the NWCC court administrator.

04/01/2020 Reporting Filing Requirements

The Workers Compensation Insurance Organizations (WCIO) updated its cause-of-injury and nature codes. The new codes include a cause code of 83 for pandemic and a nature code of 83 for COVID-19 for dates of injury beginning in December 2019.

Probably need to review what other states need to be udpated as well

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  • Apr 6 2020
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Reporting Customer Howalt McDowell
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