Risk Management Platform Ideas

Add tickler feature to Incident track

It would be very useful to add a "tickler" feature to the incident track within a claim, possibly within the Claims Diary menu in order to set a follow up date to check on claim status and or revisit the claim for whatever reason. Including a custom drop down menu similar to the one for notes in the claim notes menu of a claim. 

  • Guest
  • Nov 13 2017
  • Needs review
Reporting Customer Carl Dykes / Victory Marketing, LLC
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  • Guest commented
    March 19, 2018 17:28

    Currently I have to use a separate calendar to set up follow up calls or actions. It would be very beneficial to add a feature that would allow one to set a follow up date and time to check on whatever tasks needed to be followed up on. I believe this would benefit may users and eliminate the need to use another calendar to set follow up on a claim.